< Providence Queen of the Valley Medical Center
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Empowering Excellence


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Empowering Excellence

Meet the new members of  Providence Queen of the Valley Medical Center’s executive leadership team. Photo, from left: Brandon Williams, Leah Gehri, Scott Ciesielski, Amy Herold

We are thrilled to introduce our new executive leaders who bring a wealth of experience and dedication  to our community. Together, we embark on a journey to uphold Queen of the Valley’s legacy of excellence and compassion, ensuring our continued dedication to serving the residents of Napa County and beyond. We asked our new leaders to share the “why” that keeps them inspired and here’s what they said.

Brandon Williams, MBA Chief Financial Officer 
“I had the calling to work in health care when I was 7 years old. My grandfather was admitted into a local hospital in New Orleans, where he received excellent care from everyone. The staff was so friendly and attentive — from the front desk to every nurse and doctor he encountered. It left such an impression on my family that I knew from that day I would work in this field. I delved into health care operations and f inance after witnessing the financial strain of my grandmother’s illness. All the lessons I have learned make me so excited to work at Providence Queen of the Valley, which has been serving the community for over 60 years. It is a fixture in Napa, and I am honored to give back and expand our service lines for the community. I am proud to help the team at the Queen provide affordable care for patients so they can focus on what matters most, their health.”

Leah M. Gehri, DNP, MHA, MN, RN, NEA-BC Chief Nursing Officer
“My why has always been around service to others, stemming from my military background. Health care enables me to serve patients and their families and make a difference in their lives. Working at Providence Queen of the Valley, I’m thrilled to collaborate with exceptional physicians, nurses and caregivers who are deeply committed to our community. People who are drawn to working at the Queen are very special. They have a deep and unwavering commitment to the community, and truly strive to live out our mission and deliver on our promise to know our patients, care for them and ease their way. When you have the right people, you can accomplish great things together. Our goal is to be the best place for nurses to practice in Napa County and beyond. This is a very exciting time to be a nurse at the Queen.”

Scott Ciesielski, MS, RN  Chief Administrative Officer
“My excitement for serving at the Queen started before I even walked through the doors the first time! As I interviewed virtually and remotely with over a dozen individuals and groups, I felt the culture; I felt the connection to the mission; I felt the connection to the community. This strong alignment of our people to a unified purpose is a gift to anyone in leadership. A team that can align personal values and purpose with an organizational mission can accomplish anything. Our executive team has immediately connected with our shared vision of what service means to us. This new team brings incredible skills and diversity to the ministry that will only make us better. That excites me every day as I walk into the ministry. Our new executive team is already aligned and incredibly energized to start achieving the outcomes our teams and our community deserve. I want to ensure the strength and sustainability of Providence Queen of the Valley Medical Center for all those who live or work in and visit this beautiful county.” 

Amy Herold, M.D., MBA, FACOG Chief Medical Officer
“I moved to Napa in 2015 and immediately fell in love with the community and team of caregivers at the Queen.  It’s the first place I’ve lived that truly felt like ‘home.’ We’ve been through fires and a pandemic together, and these trials have cemented the relationship I have with the community. There is a sense that we walked through fire together (literally in ’17 and ’20) and came out the other side stronger and as a team.  I don’t know if it’s the hospitality nature of Napa or just the temperament of the people who live here, but this is a town where you can depend on your neighbor to have your back. It is an honor to serve here, and I want to make sure the Queen is steadfastly here to care for her neighbors in return. Working in health care can be very stressful, and I want to carry on the culture where all caregivers feel supported and remember their why.” 

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Call: 707-257-4044

1000 Trancas Street Napa, CA 94558

Email: queensfoundation@providence.org 

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