< Providence Queen of the Valley Medical Center
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Thank You to Our 2024 Luncheon Attendees!

Women for Wellness is an annual giving society that brings together dynamic women dedicated to their health and well-being with a commitment to advancing high-quality health care for all who visit, live and work in Napa Valley. Participants are philanthropic at heart and desire to make a difference by gathering to support and fund important programs and services at Providence Queen of the Valley Medical Center and are aligned with the hospital’s mission statement: Health for a Better World.

For more information or to join Women for Wellness, contact Christina Mitchell at Christina.mitchell3@providence.org

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Thank you to our generous sponsors!

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Together, we can provide care that transforms lives, now and for years to come.

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Give in honor of our doctors
who change lives every day.

Contact Us

Call: 707-257-4044

1000 Trancas Street Napa, CA 94558

Email: queensfoundation@providence.org 

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