< Providence Queen of the Valley Medical Center
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Distinguished Corporate Partners

Your generosity has a lasting impact on our community. Gifts from friends like you bring the latest medical technology and compassionate care to San Fernando Valley.



When you join this elite group of companies at the Queen, you and your colleagues are offered exclusive annual benefits, such as recognition and attendance at Foundation fundraising events, meetings with Queen of the Valley leadership and health education programs. In addition, Queen of the Valley Foundation will provide each Distinguished Corporate Partner recognition in our Report to the Community, social media campaigns, invitations to special donor receptions and your company logo on the Foundation website.

Thanks to the efforts of our Distinguished Corporate Partners we are able to provide world-class care where we live. For more information, please contact Christina Mitchell directly at 707.501.8648 or email Christina.Mitchell3@providence.org.

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Give in honor of our doctors
who change lives every day.

Contact Us

Call: 707-257-4044

1000 Trancas Street Napa, CA 94558

Email: queensfoundation@providence.org 

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